Plant & Paddle 🌳🛶
Emission Free Once Again
I’m Taking April Off!
It’s All About The… Poo?
What An Incredible Experience
The New Saturday Boy 😊
It's All About The Flow

Dylan IS the News!

As most of you know this fine article of a man has been a massive asset to myself, and our river Freshney. Dylan shares my vision and is focused on making a difference which benefits wildlife that use our river and the community that enjoy it.

Dylan & Jim share a moment

Dylan grafts like no other and as a keen fisherman sees the value in what I’m trying to achieve. Above all else he’s become a friend and that’s one of the reasons this next chapter is born.

I have secured funding from the behemoth that is Orsted which was kindly orchestrated by Vince from EBB & FLO. This slack handful of groats will see Dylan clothed in the finest PPE. He will also be given the tools to replicate what I have at my disposal, and have the required training to do the tasks in hand. Further canoe training is to be carried out by Caroline at Outdoor Learning Schools in conjunction with the amazing team at British Canoeing

Dylan wearing an Orsted Hoodie

As part of his training he will be schooled in basic river ecology and conservation using the online resources at the Centre Of Excellence we will both further our knowledge (or lack of) with a river ecology course.

I am always on the lookout for volunteers and value both your help and suggestions of what i can do on the river to benefit the wildlife and community. Contact me as i’m ALWAYS happy to engage with like minded people.

Fancy yourself as a volunteer?


Love to hear your comments!